hubby has been bugging me to blog about our little one. i have been wanting to do so for months now, just like what i did even before we got married and during and after wedding preps but for the first time i am lost for words. i didn't know how to start. it is just too overwhelming, being pregnant and all and i just can't seem to find the right words to say. this is after all not about myself. it is about our little princess whom we will finally get to see in six weeks. hubby and i couldn't wait! we are sooo looking forward to hold and kiss her.
you guys will get to know more about sophie in the coming days. this page will all be about anything and everything about her. please let her touch your lives as she has touched ours --- help us prepare in welcoming her to the real world.
happy reading!
Hi Sieggy. It's good to document your preps for Baby Sophie's arrival. She'll have another tangible proof of how much her parents loves her (and how excited they were). I'm also documenting my kids' milestones. I would have loved to write about my pregnancy as an expectant mom, but I have no plans of getting pregnant again. :)
hey tanie! i knooow. diba it is so nice documenting everything for them? haha. naku, i tried writing about my whole pregnancy ordeal but super tamad ako now lang ulit when i suddenly feel the urge to write again. :)
please do visit sophie's page ha, thanks, thanks! :)
kisses! :)
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